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Get Ad Code, Publish on THEADX

You can publish the codes of your broadcasts on a different adserver on THEADX using the platform's extensive Premium publisher network. This way, you can also see your ad counts on your own panels.

Code Advertisement

A code is generated that contains the site address that the advertiser wants to redirect to and all the items that make up the ad. As long as this ad is published on the site, advertisers can track impression and click information on both Theadx and the adserver they use. THEADX code ad model simplifies tracking by providing agencies and advertisers with Adserver the ability to confirm ad reports. Code ad delivery is available on all eligible models.

Code Advertisement


Simply fill in the form below to start using TheADX advanced targeting options and effective advertising models. Please enter all the information accurately and fully so that we can help you as soon as possible.

Name Surname *
E-mail *
Company *
Estimated Mounthly Budget
Phone *